
AssignmentsDue date
Assignment 4: Project report 17-08-2020, 18:00 Berlin local time.
Assignment 3: Project presentation The schedule announced on the Moodle.
Assignment 2: Project proposal 15-05-2020, 18:00, Berlin local time.
Assignment 1: Project team formation 01-05-2020, 18:00 Berlin local time.

Assingment 4: Project report

The main idea of the report is to present the work that you have done as a group for the seminar. The length of the project report should be 5-6 pages. The latex, docx, and odt formats of the report can be found in the links [1,2]. You can modify the template based on your project outputs. The suggested sections of the report are listed below:

Due date: you can submit your project report (in .pdf, .odt, or .docx format) till the end of the semester, 17-08-2020. You can also submit an intermediate draft of your report to get feedback on the state of the project.
Note: We will not tolerate a plagiarism attempt for the report submission, please take it very seriously. To be more concrete, we will follow the IEEE practices to define and determine the act of plagiarism in the reports [4].
[1] docx and odt templates
[2] latex template
[3] IEEE reference guide
[4] IEEE plagiarism FAQ

Assingment 3: Project presentation

The project presentation is an opportunity to introduce the current state of the project and get feedback from your peers. If your presentation date is within the first weeks of the schedule (especially, 05-06-2020 and 12-05-2020), you do not need to show the results for the full project. However, you can provide preliminary results from your project. The presentation should be 30 minutes long, including the QA session, and at least two team members should present it. Additionally, all team members should show their contributions by answering the questions at the end of the presentation. You can consider the following template for structuring your presentation:

Due date: You can find the schedule of the presentation in the Moodle. Please send your presentation to one day before your presentation date. Note that you do not need to send the finalized presentation.

Assingment 2: Project proposal

In this assignment, the teams should submit a brief description, ideally 1.5 pages long, of their project proposal. The topic of your project is shown in the table in the Seminar Groups section. Note that the (selected) topic of your project was assigned based on your paper preferences, i.e., the top three papers of your (or your group) choice.You can use the suggested template in latex or word format [1,2]. The proposal should include the followings:

While writing your proposal, please consider the restrictions listed below:
[1] docx and odt templates
[2] latex template

Due date: 15-05-2020, 18:00, Berlin local time. Please send your project proposal to

Assingment 1: Project team formation

In this assignment, students should form a team with a size of 2-3 members and choose their top three publications from the section: Papers for project topics and write a summary of the selected papers. The suggested length of a summary is 2-3 paragraphs.

Due date: 01-05-2020, 18:00 Berlin local time.