
The tentative syllabus is given below. Please be informed that the timeline and lecture topics are subject to change. For each week, we will regularly update the course material, assignments, and suggested readings.

Week DescriptionReadings
W1 Course overview and logistics
* Intro to Human-Robot Interaction
* Seminar timeline, assignments, and project
* Math and programming resources for HRI
What is Human-Robot Interaction?, HRI book, Ch 2
What Are the Rules of Human-Robot Interaction?
W2 H is for human: embodiment, design, and anthropomorphism.
* Design paradigms in HRI: form follows function, affordances, etc.
* Desing patterns and principles in HRI
* Anthropomorphism, Uncanny valley, Measurements, etc.
Design of everyday things: affordances and signifiers
Affetto robot
HRI lecture by Dr. Bartneck
W3 R is for robot: HRI robot types, sensors, simulators, and frameworks
* A brief history of robots in HRI: Kismet, Keepon, Pepper, the iCub, etc.
* Robotic sensors: cameras, depth sensors, robot skins, lasers, etc.
* Fantastic HRI datasets and where to find them
Bipedal Humanoid Hardware Design: a Technology Review
Pepper robot sensors
W4 I is for Interaction: spatial, verbal, and nonverbal
* Spatial interactions: proxemics, Kendon's formation, etc.
* Verbal interaction: robot speech generation and understanding
* Non-verbal interaction: gaze, facial expersions, body posture, etc.
ROILA- Robot language for Interaction
Realistic and Interactive Robot Gaze
W5 Anthropomorphizing robots: effects on attention, behavior, and trust in work-related settings
* A lecture by Prof. Linda Onnacsch
W6 Human-robot interaction: Research methods and experimental design
* A lecture by Dr. Doris Pischedda
There is method to the madness - HRI Methodology
Research Methods, HRI book, chapter 9
W7 Emotion in HRI and HRI applications
* Basics emotions: models and implementations
* Emergent emotions and energy regulation on humanoid robots
* HRI applications: advertisement, education, health, social robotics, etc.
* Ethics in HRI
Lisa Feldman Barrett: How the Brain Creates Emotions
Context in Emotion Perception
Affective Architecture: Pain, Empathy, and Ethics (by Prof. Minoru Asada)
W8-W14 The presentation dates are tentative and it will be finalized after the 2nd assignment submission.